No amount of prayer to any of these ancient beings would have brought divine intervention. They had either grown disinterested in the affairs of men over long aeons or never had an interest from the very beginning, for the Maori were not the only spiritual beings who dwelled in the world. ...
energy •Aquiredmanaforhimselfandmissionaries RevHenryWilliamscont’d •WilliamsrelatedwelltoMaorileadersand wasnotintimidatedbythem •Usedspiritualteachingratherthan civilisationtoconvert •Re-establishedschoolingforMaori children •Reducedmissionariesinvolvmentintrade •EncouragedmissionariestospeakMaori Other...
Don’t touch Buddha statues, religious objects or prayer flags. Walk around monasteries (寺院), temples, dagobas, Mongolian cairns (Mani piles) and other religious structures in clockwise order with the exception of the Bon sites. Don t step on the threshold when entering a tent, house, or...
•Mid-1830smostmissionariesspokeMaori•WilliamWilliamshadtranslatedwholeofNewTestamenttoMaori•CommonPrayerbooktranslatedby1837•ColensoprintedfirstMaorinewTestamentsDec.1837•WrittenwordgaveMaoriaccesstoEuropeanknowledge MaoriConversion •FordesireforlinkswithPakehaandaccesstogoodssuchasarms•Adaptationsof...