Kingi, Rakeiuekaha, author
CultureofNewZealand:Maori •TheMaoriarethenativepeoplelivingintheNewZealandandcompriseabout14percentofthecountry'spopulation.TheyhavetheirowntypicalMaoriculture,whichreferstoalltheelementsoftherichcultureheritageoftheindigenous(本土的)peopleinNewZealand,includingtheirlanguage,customsandtradition.Theyhavetheirown...
Mitai Maori Village offers you an authentic introduction to the Maori culture leaving you amazed and in awe. Witness warriors in traditional attire paddling in an ancient warrior canoe, view glow worms in their natural habitat and marvel at the sacred freshwater spring. View your traditionally cooke...
New Zealand;culture;Maori came between 1,000 and 3,000 years ago. The?first?people?to?settle New Zealand were the ancestors of the Maori who are thought to have called the islands Aotearoa (“Land of the Long White Cloud”). ; Culture of New Zealand:Maori;Maoritanga(毛利人文化和风俗习惯...
and Western techniques to create unique art forms. The country's culture has also been broadened by globalization and increased immigration from the Pacific Islands and Asia. New Zealand's diverse landscape provides many opportunities for outdoor pursuits and has provided the backdrop for a number ...
Nau mai, haere mai - welcome to Te Ana - a unique Māori cultural experience based on Ngāi Tahu culture and the rock drawings of our ancestors. Join our guides at our Te Ana Rock Art Centre or on a tour to our Ōpihi Rock Art site.
elementsoftherichcultureheritageof theindigenous(本土的)peopleinNew Zealand,includingtheir language,customsandtradition.They havetheirownlanguage,reo Maori,whichisalsooneoftheoffical languagesofNewZealand. Maoritanga(毛利人文化和风俗习惯) MaoritangameansMaoriculture,theMaori ...
Maoriculture •毛利人是白云之乡(Aotearoa)新西兰的土著居民,早在1000多年前,他们乘坐远航独木舟(wakahourua)离开自己的家乡哈瓦基(Hawaiki)来到此地繁衍生息。现在,毛利人虽然只占新西兰总人口的14%,但其语言和文化却对新西兰的生活有着重要的影响。 importantcontent 1.MaoriLanguage 2.tattooing 3.haka 4....
Nau mai, haere mai - welcome to Te Ana - a unique Māori cultural experience based on Ngāi Tahu culture and the rock drawings of our ancestors. Join our guides at our Te Ana Rock Art Centre or on a tour to our Ōpihi Rock Art site.
Enjoy a wonderful day of sightseeing and learning about indigenous Maori culture Discover Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) and Te Wao Nui o Tiriwa (Waitakere Ranges) on Auckland’s West Coast Views of several ancient volcanoes in the Auckland volcanic field ...