commemorating the 130th anniversary of Mao Zedong's birth in his birthplace was a long-awaited gathering, especially as the past three years' commemorative events were affected by COVID-19 restrictions. Many visitors told the Global Times that they felt this year's commemorative activities were no...
Mao Zedong, also transliterated as Mao Tse-tung listen (help·info), and commonly referred to as Chairman Mao (December 26, 1893 – September 9, 1976), was a Chinese communist revolutionary, politician and socio-political theorist. The founding father of the People's Republic of China from ...
mao-ze-dong-简介-英文版 Sunkai͠ 2021/4/9 1 Thegreatleader MaoZedong双击添加署名/公司名/日期 2021/4/9 2 MaoZedongWasborninDecember26,1893inafamilyofafarmerinShaoshan,Xiangtan,Hunanprovince.HediedinBeijinginSeptember9th,1976.2021/4/9 3 TheleaderoftheChinesepeople,Marxism,agreatproletariat...
MaoZedong’sacalligrapher Heisalsoagreatpoet TheLongMarch七律长征 .红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。金沙水拍云崖暖,大渡桥横铁索寒。更喜岷山千里雪,三军过后尽开颜。TheRedArmyfearsnotthetrialsoftheLongMarch,Holdinglighttenthousandcragsandtorrents.TheFiveRidgeswind...
1. Mao Zedong was an important communist revolutionary who emerged as the CCP leader in the mid-1930s. 2. From peasant origins, the educated Mao later worked as a social activist in Hunan, Beijing and Shanghai. 3. He was drawn to Marxism during the May Fourth Movement and in July 1920...
as Army Commander. In January 1929, he and Zhu De led the main body of the Fourth Red Army down the Jinggang Mountains to southern Jiangxi and western Fujian, where more revolutionary bases were set up (these were later to become the Central Revolutionary Base Area). With Mao Zedong as ...
Zedong Mao. Self: Osvobozhdyonnyy Kitay. Tse-tung Mao, along with Yat-sen Sun and Kai-Shek Chiang, was one of the most important figures to modern Chinese history. Born to a peasant family--his father was a farmer--in Shaoshan, China, on December 26, 189
A footnote in the 1952 edition of The Selected Works of Mao Zedong (Volume I) says, “The Trotsky clique started out as an anti-Lenin faction in the Russian workers movement and turned into an anti-revolutionary gang. Concerning the evolution of these traitors, Comrade Stalin observed in 1937...
Mao Zedong aimed for a new society in Communist China, which would later become what is now known as Maoism. He believed in self dependence and many people supported him, but there were others who did 741 Words 3 Pages Decent Essays Read More The Film Red Detachment Of Women During the ...