The non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE) is a fascinating phenomenon in nonequilibrium systems where eigenstates massively localize at the systems’ boundaries, pumping (quasi-)particles loaded in these systems unidirectionally to the boundaries. Its interplay with many-body effects has been widely explored...
It is the common wisdom that time evolution of a many-body system leads to thermalization and washes away quantum correlations. But one class of system—referred to as many-body localized—defy this expectation. It is the common wisdom that time evolutio
TOPOLOGYOPEN-ended questionsOpen quantum systems provide a plethora of exotic topological phases of matter that has no Hermitian counterpart. Non-Hermitian skin effect, macroscopic collapse of bulk states to the boundary, has been extensively studied in various experimental platforms. However, it remains...
first we introduce the Born-Oppenheimer approximation used both to devise electronic structure methodologies and to deal with many degree-of-freedom systems within the open quantum theory scenario. Then, a brief overview on density functional theory, both time-independent and time-dependent, with speci...
As an aside let me remark that a projective representation of a symmetry group of a quantum system may arise either as a result of nontrivial global topology of the symmetry group, or as a consequence of a central charge in the Lie algebra as above. For semi-simple Lie algebras the ...