TOPOLOGYOPEN-ended questionsOpen quantum systems provide a plethora of exotic topological phases of matter that has no Hermitian counterpart. Non-Hermitian skin effect, macroscopic collapse of bulk states to the boundary, has been extensively studied in various experimental platforms. However, it remains...
It is the common wisdom that time evolution of a many-body system leads to thermalization and washes away quantum correlations. But one class of system—referred to as many-body localized—defy this expectation. It is the common wisdom that time evolutio
Anomalous mean-field for non-collinear superconductors Full selfconsistency with all Wick terms for non-collinear superconductors Constrained and unconstrained mean-field calculations Automatic identification of order parameters for symmetry broken states Hermitian and non-Hermitian mean-field calculations Topologi...
The problem of many-body interactions—or, equivalently, many degrees of freedom—can be tackled from different points of view, since it appears in many different physical and chemical contexts. Here, in particular, we are going to face it from a chemica
We examine the emergence of objectivity for quantum many-body systems in a setting without an environment to decohere the system’s state, but where observers can only access small fragments of the whole system. We extend the result of Reidel (2017) to the case where the system is in a ...