There exists four types of relationship associated between models/entities. And they are:One To One,One To Many,Many To OneandMany To Many. We’re specifically going to talk about Many To Many relationship and most importantlyattach,detachandsynchelper methods that are provided in Laravel in th...
target_type - string ('comment_detail' or 'user_avatar') target_id - integer (User -> id or CommentDetail -> cid) attachment_key - string 首先,在AppServiceProvider我定义了morphMap: Relation::morphMap([ 'comment_detail' => CommentDetail::class, 'user_avatar' => User::class, ]); 然...
Ok so Im new to testing but I am trying to test if I can read from a db table which shares a many to many with another but only where certain conditions are met, IE Can I get all users who have role ID 1 or 2 . My setup: -Roles and Users are the 2 ta
例如,如果你尝试调用attach()方法,那么你需要确保该方法是被定义为“hasMany”或“belongsToMany”方法之一。 如果你仍然遇到相同的问题,那么你可能需要检查你的代码,并确保你正确地引入了Laravel ORM库。 // Attach user to the post$post->users()->attach($userId); ...
We instead recommend: Laravel 8 From Scratch. Attach and Validate Many-to-Many InsertsWe now understand how to fetch and display records from a linking table. Let's next learn how to perform inserts. We can leverage the attach() and detach() methods to insert one or many records at once...
重建关联关系:如果中间表数据有问题,可以尝试删除并重新创建关联关系。可以使用detach方法解除关联关系,然后使用attach方法重新建立关联关系。 检查Laravel 版本:某些belongsToMany相关的问题可能是 Laravel 版本特定的。确保使用的 Laravel 版本与代码示例或文档中指定的版本一致。
{return$this->belongsToMany('App\Tag'); }//在Tag中publicfunction articles() {return$this->belongsToMany('App\Article'); } 调用 $article->tags()->attach($id) $tag->articles()->attach($id) 视图多选框 {!! Form::label('tags','Tags') !!} {!! Form::select('tags...
A short example of how to use Laravel Many to Many Polymorphic Relationships with pivot data on the relation table. - ricardov03/polyrelations
Laravel belongsToMany关系定义两个表的本地键 、、、 因此,belongsToMany关系是一个多到多的关系,因此需要一个枢轴表。return $this->belongsToMany('Role', 'user_roles', 'user_id', 'foo_id'); 现在,它将在问题是,我想在id表中指定一个不同的字段,而不是users。例如,我在use表中 浏览3提问于2014...
Attach a model to the parent using a custom class. from InteractsWithPivotTable array formatAttachRecords(array $ids, array $attributes) Create an array of records to insert into the pivot table. from InteractsWithPivotTable array formatAttachRecord(int $key, mixed $value, array $attributes...