We construct a family of many-body wave functions to study the many-body localization phase transition. The wave functions have a Rokhsar-Kivelson form, in which the weight for the configurations are chosen from the Gibbs weights of a classical spin glass model, known as the random energy ...
We derive Harris-type bounds on the finite-size scaling exponents of the mean entanglement entropy and level statistics at the many-body localization phase transition using several different arguments. Our results are at odds with recent small-size numerics, for which we estimate the crossover ...
It demonstrates that the fidelity, magnetization and spin-spin space correlation can be used to characterize the many-body localization transition in this closed spin system which is also in agreement with previous analytical and numerical results. We test the properties for the middle third many-...
Many-body localization edge in the random-field Heisenberg chain. https://arxiv.org/abs/1411.0660v2 (2014). Herviou, L., Bera, S. & Bardarson, J. H. Multiscale entanglement clusters at the many-body localization phase transition. http://arxiv.org/abs/1811.01925, 35–37 (2018). Vatan...
It is the common wisdom that time evolution of a many-body system leads to thermalization and washes away quantum correlations. But one class of system—referred to as many-body localized—defy this expectation. It is the common wisdom that time evolutio
We study spectral and wave-function statistics for many-body localization transition in systems with long-range interactions decaying as 1/r~α with an exponent α satisfying d ≤α≤ 2d, where d is the spatial dimensionality. We refine earlier arguments and show that the system undergoes a loc...
14- Transport, multifractality, and scaling at the localization transition... by Subroto Mukerjee 15- Thermalisation, Many-Body Chaos, and Weak Solutions.. by Samriddhi Sankar Ray 16- Discussion Meeting for Thermalization, Many body localization and Hydrodynamics ...
An interacting quantum system can transition from an ergodic to a many-body localized (MBL) phase under the presence of sufficiently large disorder. Both phases are radically different in their dynamical properties, which are characterized by highly excited eigenstates of the Hamiltonian. Each eigensta...
We introduce a semiclassical limit for many-body localization in the absence of global symmetries. Microscopically, this limit is realized by disordered Floquet circuits composed of Clifford gates. In d =1 , the resulting dynamics are always many-body localized with a complete set of strictly local...
14- Transport, multifractality, and scaling at the localization transition... by Subroto Mukerjee 15- Thermalisation, Many-Body Chaos, and Weak Solutions.. by Samriddhi Sankar Ray 16- Discussion Meeting for Thermalization, Many body localization and Hydrodynamics 17- The equilibrium landscape of th...