The Response of Crops to Fertilizers and ManuresAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00010694-195409000-00016ANDREWSW. B.Soil Science
Effect of organic manures and bio fertilizers on growth, seed yield and quality in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cv. Megha University of Agricutural Sciences, Dharwad, AC, Dharwad -580005, Karnataka state, India, pp: 134.Jagadeesha V, Effect of organic manures and biofertilizers on growth,...
The impact of long-term (36-year) application of balanced fertilizers and farmyard manures (FYM) on the abundance of microbial groups (bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, Pseudomonas, Azotobacter, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria) and their resistance and resilience against heat stress was investigated in a sem...
Section > Chapter Krieger, R.I.; Marcy, D.; Smith, J.H.; Tomson, K. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 38(1): 63-66 1987 ISSN/ISBN:0007-4861 3028541 10.1007/bf01606559 001628383 Article emailed within 0-6 h
pests were carried out mainly on influence of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on insect and mite pest population of capsicum was carried out under paddy fallow during the year 2013 -14, at Sabbenahalli, Mudigere taluk of Chikkamagalu ru district, Ka rnataka, India. Among the ...
The result indicated that the continuous application of N, P, K, S and Zn fertilizers in different combinations for 29 years remarkably increased the grain and straw yields of T-Aman /06. The soil PH was decreased from the initial status. An increase in organic matter was obtained over the...
fertilizersfruit vegetablesintercroppingField experiments were conducted for up to 3 years on 2 Nova Scotia soils. Tomatoes and cabbages or cauliflowers were grown in rotation on plots amended with inorganic fertilizer or 3 different types of animal manures (from 2 sources). Red clover (Trifolium ...
1947. The response of crops and soils to fertilizers and manures. W.B. Andrews, State College, Miss.Andrews, W.B. 1954. The response of crops and soils to fertilizers and manures. 2nd Ed. Wil- liam Byrd Press, Inc., Richmond, VA....
A study conducted on a farmer's field at kardiga, shimoga district in Rainy season 2011-2012 with a view to study the effect of organic manures and In-organic fertilizers on the growth and yield of okra. Among the different combinations, application The maximum pod weight was recorded under...
A study was under taken in a long-term experiment on effect of organic manures and nutrient management on soil fertility and soil organic carbon (SOC) after 16 years cycles of pearl millet-wheat cropping system in an Inceptisol of subtropical India. The highest values of TOC (13.2 g kg-1...