⻢努卡理⼯学院(Manukau Institute of Technology,缩写为MIT)建于1970年,坐落在奥克兰,是新⻄兰16所公立理工学院之一,⼀直以来在新⻄兰本地享有盛誉,受到学⽣的⻘睐。 ⻢努卡理⼯学院有很⾼的教学质量,尤其注重实际经验与...
新西兰马努卡理工学院 Manukau Institute of Technology | 位于奥克兰的公立理工学院 一、学校简介 ⻢努卡理⼯学院(Manukau Institute of Technology,缩写为MIT)建于1970年,坐落在奥克兰,是新⻄兰16所公立理工学院之一,⼀直以来在新⻄兰本地享有盛誉,受到学⽣的⻘睐。 ⻢努卡理⼯学院有很⾼的教学质量...
马努卡理工学院(Manukau Institute of Technology/MIT)位于新西兰奥克兰市的马努考区,为新西兰国内**的公立高等学府。在新西兰政府NZQA 2016年的质量评估中获得了理工学院中的最高分,为新西兰的一类院校。在校学生20,000,其中1,000多名国际留学生分别来自世界50多个国家和地区。学校共有100多门学科,所授文凭主要包括本科...
“Bring your ideas to life” is a fitting slogan for the Manukau Institute of Technology, a business division of Te Pūkenga — New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (MIT). Te Pūkenga is the largest provider of technical, vocational, and professional training in Aotearoa New Zealand...
Montreal, Quebec – December 22, 2020 – Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) has selected the Blue experience management platform to manage its feedback processes, including course evaluations, surveys, and 360 degree reviews. Part of MIT’s strategic goal is to optimise the u...
The article discusses the highlights of the New Zealand Electrical Institute/Manukau Institute of Technology (NZEI/MIT) award for 2012, which include the presentation of the Level 4 Electrical Student Award to Robert Ngawharau, presentations by NZEI president John Brothers, and NZEI members David ...
Train stations near Manukau Institute of Technology in Otara North Middlemore Train Station, 27 min walk,VIEW Puhinui Train Station, 63 min walk,VIEW Bus lines to Manukau Institute of Technology station in Otara North 361, Manurewa Interchange To Otara / Mit Via Mahia Rd,VIEW N10, City ...
Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) 学校概况 UNIVERSITY INTRODUCTION 马努卡理工学院(Manukau Institute of Technology,缩写为MIT)建于1970年,坐落在奥克兰南部的马努卡(Manukau),是新西兰最大的理工学院之一。除了当地学生,学院还吸引了许多留学生前来求学,如新加坡、俄罗斯、日本、韩国、中国和欧洲的一些国家。学校...