An integral part of any development programme is the validation of concepts and products. The systems engineering process which governs many larger scale projects particularly in aerospace, has verification and validation embedded in the... M Price,C Gonzallez-Murillo,J Butterfield,... - Aiaa Aviat...
A Review of: "Process Validation in Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals: Guidelines, Current Practices, and Industrial Case Studies" The article reviews the book "Process Validation in Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals: Guidelines, Current Practices, and Industrial Case Studies," edite... Bill Evans -...
Dantan, J.Y.; Ballu, A.; Thiebault, F.; Bourdet, P.; "Functional and manufacturing specifications - Part 2: validation of a process plan"; In: Proceedings of the 3rd IDMME conference, Montreal; 2000J.-Y. Dantan, F. Thiebaut, A. Ballu et al., "Functional and Manufacturing ...
Differentiating between verification and validation for a manufacturing process can be confusing, because they are very similar. The difference is in the implementation, desired outcome and the phase of the process. To try to clear things up, let’s look at a simple example of a gear cog...
(6) final characterizations of the ATMP and QC testing. Multiple in-process samples (shown on the right) were taken at different stages of the process and submitted for relevant testing. Further details on GMP compliance can be found in the “Process validation design” section in the “...
A multi-stage pre-training method is proposed where an auto-encoder is used to initialize the non-recurrent parameters in TRU and a then model is pre-trained for single-step prediction before the actual training process. The experimental results show that the proposed model improved the accuracy...
In addition to the silicon process, other processes, for example, polymer and composite processes, have been used in the fabrication of CMMs and are being rapidly developed. These emerging candidates are even more promising, but are not well known. Although microfabrication has already been reviewed...
Experimental validation of multiphysics model simulations of the thermal response of a cement clinker rotary kiln at laboratory scale Juan David Tabares; William M. McGinley; Thad L. Druffel; Bhagyashri Aditya Bhagwat 2022 2022, vol.4, no.4 Smart connected worker edge platform for smart manufactu...
In a flexible manufacturing environment, most processes need precise control of the output value, especially the transport durations. These values cannot always be measured in a continuous manner, basing the control of the process on a discrete event measurement [1]. Especially in the transportation...
In addition, such clean workplaces avoid accidents that hinder the material flow along the production line, giving flexibility to the entire process [52]. Therefore, the following hypothesis is proposed: Hypothesis 1 (H1). The implementation of 5S in the maquiladora industry has a direct and ...