\n 航天飞机\n 刚性,伸缩式或挠性剑杆\n 射弹\n 液压(喷水)或气动(喷气)喷嘴\n\n通过梭子或针插入纬纱的窄织物织机;\n提花机;\n针织机械包括:\n \n 圆形针织\n 平板编织\n 经编\n 拉舍尔\n 棉(平纬编织)\n\n其他织物制造机器,如.\ng, :\n \n 多相织机\n 圆形织机\n 缝纫机\n\...
In addition, they developed a scheduling algorithm using real-time job pools and rules, and proved that the proposed algorithm facilitates real-time work in process control. Barenji et al. [21] proposed an RFID-based multi-agent architecture to design a distributed control and monitoring system ...