Vizag, Andhra Pradesh Krebs Biochemicals and Industries Ltd. Kothapalli Village, Kasimkota Mandal, Visakhapatnam Dist. 531031, Andhra Pradesh Since: January 1988 Manufacturing: APIs & Intermediates International Sunderland, United Kingdom Onyx Scientific Limited Onyx Scientific Limited, Silverbriar, Enterpris...
France - Hombourg Solvias is a world leading CRO/CDMO, providing integrated analytical services to pharma, biotech and medical device industries for all stages of drug development. Adare Pharma Solutions France - Houdan CDMO providing end-to-end integrated services, from product development through ...
In addition, current labour laws, including the Factory Act, do not apply to private players in the service industries — software and private banking, for example. Employment in these sectors is more flexible, governed only by the terms of contracts between individua...