✅ How can I manually change the time zone?:The sync button won't sync. It goes back one hour...
(dopt): update syncpack rules * refactor(@dopt/pkg-build): the package.json repository fields * fix(@dopt/pkg-clean): remove @dopt/env dep * feat(@dopt/react): uses @dopt/pkg-build * refactor(@dopt/pkg-build): the hooks architecture is more composable * fix(@dopt/pkg-build)...
Sync the device from Intune Portal. remotely login into the PowerShell of the device and run below command. Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Management Extension\Microsoft.Management.Services.IntuneWindowsAgent.exe" -ArgumentList "intunemanagementextension://...
In the Windows Autopilot devices screen, select Sync in the toolbar. Wait for the sync to finish. The sync might take several minutes. After the sync completes and the device appears in the device list in the Windows Autopilot devices screen in Intune, the device is ready for a Windows ...
If you are running a paravirtualized Linux kernel with XenServer VM Tools installed, you can check whether the XenServer Time Sync feature is present and enabled from within the Linux VM: su-cat/proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock This command re...
This paraemter is used to solve the problem of potential downtime. 1. Verify the glibc version. Run the ldd --version command. 2. If the glibc version is not 2.12, you need to add the following content to the first line of the startup.sh file: export MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=1 3. Restar...
GPU: Don't sync/bind index buffer when it's not in use (#5526) Aug 7, 2023 .editorconfig Add workflow to automatically check code style issues for PRs (#4670) Jul 25, 2023 .gitattributes misc: Enforce LF (#4253) Jan 11, 2023 ...
Agent configuration sync Upgrade the agent Agent uninstallation Troubleshooting High-availability configuration Exclusion Configuration Email and SMS server configuration Ticketing System Integration Automatic configuration Virtual IP address settings Security hardening Administrative Settings Migration Troubleshooting Techn...
SynchonizationOption.Disabled Displays an error describing the conflict or modifies one of the mismatched services. Registering Serviced Components|Dynamically Registering an Assembly|.NET Framework Services Installation Tool (Regsvcs.exe)|System.EnterpriseServicesRegistrationHelper|System.EnterpriseServices Namespace...
All my devices sync through iCloud. How does this impact my ability to repair the library? Should I not try this? I've invested years of time adding keywords and tags and places, etc. to all my photos, and am very worried about creating a problem via rebuild that propogates to all ...