For Debian, run the following command to install SQLite: sudo apt-getinstall-y sqlite3 Specify a database to use If you install both SQLite and PostgreSQL, you can specify one of them to use by editing/etc/xdl/db.confafter installing the Linux VDA package. Run/opt/...
sudo zypper addrepo -c -f -n microsoft-prod Install the Microsoft GPG public key: Bash Kopija sudo rpm --import Ubuntu and Debian systemsInstall...
#dpkg --configure -a Note:This command may fail if dependencies or package states are severely broken. In that case, proceed to the next steps. Attempt to rerun the Plesk installer, skipping the package manager check: #PLESK_INSTA...
May 16, 2023, 12:13 PM I am trying to install WSL (Debian) with this manual:,with my MS store disabled. However, I get error0x80073CF3 === PS C:\USERS\Yerong\Downloads\Ubuntu> Add-AppxPackage .\DistroLauncher-Appx_1.1...
and the following hardware accelerations: CPU, CUDA, DirectML, OneDNN, OpenVINO, TensorRT, NUPHAR, Vitis AI, ACL, ArmNN, MIGraphX, and Rockchip NPU. Please be aware that we do not tested all possible configurations, as HSF has been tested only on CPU and CUDA on Linux (Debian-based and...
Debian Note The default APT repository of Debian does not contain the installation package of MySQL Community Edition. In Debian, MariaDB is used as the default database management system instead of MySQL. MariaDB is a branch of MySQL, which is created by the original MySQL developers ...
FROMdebian:12 # Or FROM ubuntu:22.04 # Install necessary certificates package RUNapt-get update && apt-get install -y ca-certificates # Copy and add Cloudflare root certificate COPYcerts/certificate.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/certificate.crt ...
For Debian, run the following command to install SQLite: sudo apt-getinstall-y sqlite3 Specify a database to use If you install both SQLite and PostgreSQL, you can specify one of them to use by editing/etc/xdl/db.confafter installing the Linux VDA package. ...
針對Debian 12 和更新版本,執行下列命令。 Bash curl -sSL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/microsoft-prod.gpg > /dev/null 如果尚未安裝,請安裝 HTTPS 驅動程式: Bash sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ...