Disciplinary code DHL Global Forwarding- Public NUMBER: VERSION: DGF/ZA/PAIM/001 V2.3 MANUAL THE PROMOTION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION (PAIA) MANUAL PAGE: 7 of 23 7.4.7. Leave records 7.4.8. Training records 7.4.9. Training Manuals 7.5. Planned transborder flows of personal information ...
on unassigned or “dormant” and/or any time during which a member was temporarily barred from the Coop as the result of a disciplinary proceeding. The following will count toward Coop membership: parental leave, health exemption and bereavement. ...
102 In general:(1) the roles and obligations of sponsors and their registered professionals are set out in Chapter 2 (Sponsors) and Chapter 3 (Disciplinary and Appeals Procedures); and (2) the obligations of listing applicants, the manner in which their securities are to be offered and the ...
$PHQGHG Standard of Practice 14-1 REALTORS® shall not be subject to disciplinary proceedings in more than one Board of REALTORS® or affiliated institute, society, or council in which they hold membership with UHVSHFWWRDOOHJHGYLRODWLRQVRIWKH&RGHRI(WKLFVUHODWL...
Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted. The basis on which workers are paid is to be clearly conveyed to them in a timely manner via pay stub or similar documentation. For each pay period, workers shall be provided with a timely and understandable wage ...