Disciplinary code DHL Global Forwarding- Public NUMBER: VERSION: DGF/ZA/PAIM/001 V2.3 MANUAL THE PROMOTION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION (PAIA) MANUAL PAGE: 7 of 23 7.4.7. Leave records 7.4.8. Training records 7.4.9. Training Manuals 7.5. Planned transborder flows of personal information ...
The cross-disciplinary activity of modelling and simulation is the core of the scientific activities addressing the complexity of nature. In this context, ... G Quesnel,Raphal Duboz,éric Ramat - 《Simulation Modelling Practice & Theory》 被引量: 195发表: 2009年 Optimisation Of An Infrared Line...
Any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental of physical health or safety of a person for initiation, admission, affiliation, etc. Any action which a normal person would deem to be cruel, abusive, humiliating etc. with no training or disciplinary purpose or outcome...
(1) the roles and obligations of sponsors and their registered professionals are set out in Chapter 2 (Sponsors) and Chapter 3 (Disciplinary and Appeals Procedures); and (2) the obligations of listing applicants, the manner in which their securities are to be offered and the continuing ...
CGM processes the personal information of a variety of kinds of data subjects, for various reasons, including the following: Type of data subjectType of personal information processed Employees demographic information health and disability information employment contracts performance and disciplinary matters ...
$PHQGHG Standard of Practice 14-1 REALTORS® shall not be subject to disciplinary proceedings in more than one Board of REALTORS® or affiliated institute, society, or council in which they hold membership with UHVSHFWWRDOOHJHGYLRODWLRQVRIWKH&RGHRI(WKLFVUHODWL...
Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted. The basis on which workers are paid is to be clearly conveyed to them in a timely manner via pay stub or similar documentation. For each pay period, workers shall be provided with a timely and understandable wage ...
DNADronesDrugs and Drug Candidates (DDC)DynamicsEarthEcologiesEconometricsEconomiesEducation SciencesElectricityElectrochemElectronic MaterialsElectronicsEmergency Care and MedicineEncyclopediaEndocrinesEnergiesEnergy Storage and Applications (ESA)EngEngineering ProceedingsEntropyEnvironmental and Earth Sciences Proceedings...
The primary rationale of the Early Indian Petroglyphs Project is to investigate claims of the occurrence of Lower Paleolithic petroglyphs in central regions of India. Other purposes of this multi-facetted and multi-disciplinary research project are to provide new data for the chronology of the Middle...