Nepali nl Dutch no Norwegian pa Punjabi pl Polish pt Portuguese ro Romanian ru Russian sk Slovak sl Slovene so Somali sq Albanian sv Swedish sw Swahili ta Tamil te Telugu th tl tr uk ur vi zh-cn zh-tw Thai Tagalog Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Vietnamese Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese 2.6...
When indexing plain text file formats, essentially all character encodings supported by the Java 8 platform. This relates to regular text files and to email bodies encoded in plain text format. See a complete listing. Wh...
By default, it is set to 0, meaning prefixes are not allowed. Prefixes allow for wildcard searching by wordstart* wildcards. For example, if the word "example" is indexed with min_prefix_len=3, it can be found by searching for "exa", "exam", "examp", "exampl", as well as ...