POST code { "Date": "2014-08-13", "Status": "DRAFT", "Narration": "Prepaid our phone a year in advance", "LineAmountTypes": "NoTax", "JournalLines": [ { "Description": "Prepaid Annual Phone", "LineAmount": -1000, "Account...
Manual Journals can only be entered in the base currency of your Xero organisation.You might want to look at entering a zero (not Xero!) total invoice which has two lines that balance each other out, much like a manual journal, but can be entered in another currency. MV Mathew Verdouw ...
The paper is a xerographic copy of a typewritten memo. In (copied) handwriting at the top of the front page are the initials PGN, for Peter G. Neumann (he of the Risks Digest: at the time he was the technical leader of the Multics project at Bell Labs). At the lower right is the...