GALAXY OWNER'S MANUAL & PARTS LIST This equipment is intended for commercial use only. GALAXY 2000EL 2000EL-EH 2000SX-HR 2000MX-HR 2000WX-HR 2000KX-HR 2000BX-HR 2000CX-HR 2000FX-HR 2000JX-HR 2000ZX-HR 2000HX-HR GALAXY AUTOMOTIVE 3100BX-EH & 3000VX-EH 1753 Blake Avenue ❏ Los ...
Stock, Jay T.American Association for the Advancement of ScienceScience AdvancesMacintosh, A. A., Pinhasi, R., & Stock, J. T. (2017). Prehistoric women's manual labor exceeded that of athletes through the first 5500 years of farming in Central Europe. Science Advances, 3...
doi:MIL MIL-M-24784/12
Handbeatmungsvorrichtung fuer beatmungsgeraete Manual ventilation device for ventilation equipment