For timing calculations of external program parts, this extra time must always be considered. The value of TIadd which must be considered for timing evaluations of internal program parts, may fluctuate between 0 state times and 1 ALE Cycle Time. This is because externa...
This parameter indicate" the motor reso,lution setting used in the above calculation t" determine the maximum error in motor steps. See Section 6.8,.12 20. DEAD BAND This parameter indicates the user settillg for allowable backlash in encoder response befClre the indexer gives a signal. The ...
LDLPSCH87LLinedifferentialcoordinationfunction LDRGFC11REL|Additionalsecuritylogicfordifferentialprotection Impedanceprotection ZMQAPDIS,ZMQPDIS|21Distanceprotectionzone,quadrilateralcharacteristic ZDRDIR21DDirectionalimpedancequadrilateral ZMCPDIS,ZMCAPDIS|21Distancemeasuringzone,quadrilateralcharacteristicforseriescompensatedlin...
For timing calculations of external program parts, this extra time must always be considered. The value of TIadd which must be considered for timing evaluations of internal program parts, may fluctuate between 0 state times and 1 ALE Cycle Time. This is because external writes are normally ...