NavalShetye, Aakanksha
Sean McNally,Outdoor Life, 13 Mar. 2025See All Example Sentences formantra Word History Etymology Sanskrit, sacred counsel, formula, frommanyatehe thinks; akin to Latinmensmind — more atmind First Known Use 1795, in the meaning definedabove ...
Humans have chanted mantras for centuries, intending to invoke peace of mind, intuition, and other benefits. For leaders, the use of mantras to guide our minds at work isn’t a widely adopted practice, but it should be.
The sky is the limit when you release what’s keeping you from moving forward. “We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.”―Joseph Campbell ...
Our goal is to bring your culture closer to you. In addition to unlimited spiritual music, Aalaya helps you with your morning prayers customized to the day of the week, daily horoscope for your region, Hindu calendar, worship guides, and more. ...
Reciting the Gayatri Mantra is the ideal way for anyone to begin their day and this app is the perfect tool for just that. With 140 versions of the Gayatri Mantra as well as the benefits of reciting it, the app guides you in achieving spiritual peace. Once you start using the Gayatri ...
We hope you will make time for you each day. Take 5-30 minutes, even a blissful hour to release the tension and stresses away. These songs are ancient, devotional invocations that can be applied to periods of massage, bathing, romance, and Yoga practice, for falling asleep or to prepare...
Finally, we end this post with a few links to the best apps for daily mantras. Using one of these apps can give you a lot of powerful mantras to use at your own leisure each-and-every day. Table of Contents What is a Mantra?
Every single day is filled with opportunities. Never let them go to waste. 6. Imagine, Believe, and Achieve Use all of the power you have to imagine, believe, and achieve. You're more capable than you give yourself credit for.