Mantle plumes and episodic crustal growth. Nature, 373:63-68.STEIN, M. & HOFMANN, A. W. 1993. Mantle plumes and episodic crustal growth. Nature, 372, 63- 68.M. Stein,A. W. Hofmann.Mantle Plumes and Episodic Crustal Growth.Nature. 1994...
Mantle plumes and episodic crustal growth 1994, Nature Cerium/lead and lead isotope ratios in arc magmas and the enrichment of lead in the continents 1994, Nature The persistent myth of crustal growth 1991, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences View all citing articles on ScopusView full text ...
SHRIMP zircon and titanite U-Pb ages, Lu-Hf isotope signatures and geochemical constraints for ~2.56 Ga granitic magmatism in Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India: evidence for short-lived Neoarchean episodic crustal growth? Precambrian Res., 243 (2014), pp. 197-220 View PDFView articleView ...
However, the mantle would have been sufficiently cool after ~1 Ga for water to be effectively transported to the MTZ18, and the MTZ would have become locally hydrated because of dehydration/decarbonation of the stagnant slabs48. The mantle plumes of the hydrous Siberian Traps magmatism could ...
Zheng and Zhao (2020) insightfully point out that plate tectonics involves two kinematic systems, horizontal as above, and vertical, including the sinking of subducting slabs into the mantle, and the return flow of material to upwell beneath spreading ridges, continental rifts, and plumes (Maruyama...
The highly refractory compositions of diamond inclusion minerals could imply preferential diamond growth in the more reducing parts of the cratonic root, depleted by ultra-hot melting in response to heat plumes from a deeper former boundary layer that vanished at the end of the Archaean13. This ...
The Choiyoi Magmatic Province represents a major episode of silicic magmatism in southwestern Pangea in the mid-Permian-Triassic, the origin of which remains intensely debated. Here, we integrate plate-kinematic reconstructions and the lower mantle slab
Physics of The Earth and Planetary InteriorsRino S, Komiy T, Windley BF, Katayama I, Motoki A, Hirata T (2004) Major episodic increases of continental crustal growth determined from zircon age of river sands: implications for mantle overturns in the early Precambrian. Phys Earth Planet Ints...
The variability of these ratios in oceanic plateau basalts is interpreted in terms of recycling variable quantities of oceanic crust processed through a subduction zone (high Nb/U, Nb/Th), and complementary arc crust (low Nb/U, Nb/Th) into the source of the plumes. In the Wawa and ...
54), Kenyan18 and Afar20 mantle plumes, respectively. Note that V and C have the approximately the same 206Pb/204Pb values. The range of ‘classic' HIMU islands is defined by the St. Helena and the Cook–Australs; data from the GEOROC database (