Potential role of mantle-derived fluids in weakening the San Andreas Fault. Journal of Geophysical Research 114.Fulton, P. M., and D. M. Saffer (2009), Potential role of mantle-derived fluids in weakening the San Andreas Fault, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B07408, doi:10.1029/2008JB006087....
A deep, long-term mantle source of pressurized water has been hypothesized by others for the San Andreas Fault System (SAFS) to give insights into the spatial style and pattern of earthquake fault slip andin situstress state (e.g., Irwin and Barnes1975; Zoback et al.1987; Zoback et al....
Mantle enrichment is absent along the Indus-Yarlung suture zone (ISZ) just 35 km southwest of the KKF, suggesting that the mantle fluids flow only within the KKF. Within the last few Ma, the KKF must have accessed tectonically active Tibetan mantle northeast of the "mantle suture" which we...
the dissolved Si content of fluids in equilibrium with pelitic schist (CSi,crust) is significantly higher than the dissolved Mg content of fluids in equilibrium with mantle peridotite (CMg,mantle); however, CMg,mantle becomes dominant at depth, resulting in the Mg-metasomatism of crustal rocks to...
Investigating the electrical conductivity structure of the San Andreas fault system in the Parkfield-Cholame region, central California, with 3D magnetotelluric inversion This thesis presents the application of 3D MT inversion to an array data set of more than 250 sites from central California to imag...
Lamprophyres represent hydrous alkaline mantle melts that are a unique source of information about the composition of continental lithosphere. Throughout southwest Britain, post-Variscan lamprophyres are (ultra)potassic with strong incompatible element e
San Andreas FaultFluidMantleMetamorphismNoble gasCO2Stable isotopesTo characterize the origin of the fluids involved in the San Andreas Fault (SAF) system, we carried out an isotope study of exhumed faulted rocks from deformation zones, vein fillings and their hosts and the fluid inclusions ...
For example, mantle xenoliths from below the Calaveras fault in the San Andreas fault system of California record strain rates of 8.1 × 10−15 to 5.0 × 10−13·s−1 [96], which are significantly slower than the strain rates inferred for the Turon de Técouère massif of 10−12...