MantisX Shot Placement Theholster draw analysisis new in the X10 and is the only product on the market that will let you track your draw in this much detail. Mantis X Holster Draw Time Break Down MantisX Trace with tips MantisX IWB Draw from 4 O’Clock The image above shows a draw f...
A: Yes - MantisX has settings for being used with either a pistol or a rifle. Q: Does MantisX support live fire and dry fire? A: The X3, and X10 support both life and dry fire. The X2 is dry fire only.Read more about dry fire detection. ...
· 实体光学成像, 放大 倍率在x2,x4,x6,x8,x10间根据需要可任意转换 · 杰出的视野景深及颜色还原使在复杂表面的观察和操作上尤其高效率 · 以人为本的设计使操作者无眼疲劳感, 操作时头及身体活动自如 · 超大视野,超长工作距离,戴眼镜的操作者不受任何限制 · 典型的应用领域: 电子工业:印刷电路及...