Created byAdrienne WuforAlley Corp Nord. Updates August 2024 Added 2 new components under the data overlay section: Popover and Tooltip Simplified the table component and allowed for more customizable cell content options Added desktop and mobile examples of designs created entirely with Mantine compon...
Use dark theme across all components with no additional steps. Notifications System Mantine has a great notifications system, and now you get that in dash apps too. Responsive Grid System Design your layouts faster with DMC's Grid and SimpleGrid components. Unique Components Components such as Se...
I'll be working on data grid package some time next year, most likely it will be built with react-table – Example There are very few libraries in the react ecosystem that offer this functionality (afaik, primereact, elasticui) Last time I checked even A...
get("/api/", response_model=FastUI, response_model_exclude_none=True) def users_table() -> list[AnyComponent]: """ Show a table of four users, `/api` is the endpoint the frontend will connect to when a user visits `/` to fetch components to render. """ return [ c.Page( # ...
Simplified the table component and allowed for more customizable cell content options Added desktop and mobile examples of designs created entirely with Mantine components June 2024 Added 2 new components under the data display section: Avatar and Badge January 2024 Reorganized the components for better...