Mantas reproduces viaaplacental viviparity. Females give birth to a one or two pups which are about 45 inches (1.2 m) wide and weigh roughly twenty pounds (45 kg). Young mantas grow very rapidly. Manta Ray Attacks Mantas are harmless to people and usually indifferent to divers. Life Span...
The manta ray foraging optimization algorithm (MRFO) is one of the promised meta-heuristic optimization algorithms. However, it can stick to a local minimum, consuming iterations without reaching the optimum solution. So, this paper proposes a hybridizat
The manta-ray foraging optimization (MRFO) technique is proposed to be combined with a pseudo-parameter-based genetic algorithm (GA) to overcome and improve the poor performance of standard MRFO. The GA’s objective function depends only on three variables, whatever the number of independent vari...
The above three strategies are combined with the MRFO, and the chaotic manta ray foraging optimizer is proposed, which is recorded as the CMRFO. The pseudo-code and the flow chart for the CMRFO are given by Algorithm 1 and Figure 2, respectively. Algorithm 1: CMRFO Set the parameters: ...