If I could tell which songs compose the soundtrack of my life, which still continues until my heart stop beating, I would say that it is “Heart Of Steel” and ” The Crown And The Ring”. The ancient Greek Philosofer Platon said that “The music gives soul to the hearts and wings ...
本吧热帖: 1-真是醉了 2-转载 MANOWAR 中文评论 3-MANOWAR是一种金属态度!是屹立不倒的精神支柱! 4-manowar专辑下载 5-heart of steel歌词 6-1982-2014全部专辑320K(M4a格式不含演唱会和单曲) 7-请问一下名牌包一般什么价格? 8-[公告]关于撤销 manoowar 吧主管理权限的说
本吧热帖: 1-真是醉了 2-转载 MANOWAR 中文评论 3-MANOWAR是一种金属态度!是屹立不倒的精神支柱! 4-manowar专辑下载 5-heart of steel歌词 6-1982-2014全部专辑320K(M4a格式不含演唱会和单曲) 7-请问一下名牌包一般什么价格? 8-[公告]关于撤销 manoowar 吧主管理权限的说