Vicky is seen shaking a leg on ‘Kbc 15’, in the style of his character ‘Bhajan Kumar’ from the movie.The video shows Amitabh asking to Vicky: “Kya aap game plan bana kar ke aaye hain?”, to this Vicky replied: “pehle 5 sawaal to kisi tarah paar kar hi lenge. 9/13/2023 ...
The Real Cyanide Mr. kumar INR 30MM Post-Prod Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari (2025) Actor Filming Television in Production (3 titles) Episodes Status Honar Sun Me Hya Gharchi (2013–2016) (TV Series) - Ramakant Gokhale (2015-2016) (4 episodes) — Episode #1.789 Season...
Vicky is seen shaking a leg on ‘Kbc 15’, in the style of his character ‘Bhajan Kumar’ from the movie.The video shows Amitabh asking to Vicky: “Kya aap game plan bana kar ke aaye hain?”, to this Vicky replied: “pehle 5 sawaal to kisi tarah paar kar hi lenge. 9/13/2023 ...