Define mano a mano. mano a mano synonyms, mano a mano pronunciation, mano a mano translation, English dictionary definition of mano a mano. n. pl. ma·nos a ma·nos 1. A bullfight in which two rival matadors take turns fighting several bulls each. 2. A f
Definition of mano-a-mano adverb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Define mano. mano synonyms, mano pronunciation, mano translation, English dictionary definition of mano. n. pl. ma·nos A handheld stone or roller for grinding corn or other grains on a metate. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fi
The conflation of mano a mano and man to man is not yet common enough that we would consider it a variant meaning and add a new definition. It seems likely that there will continue to be people who use mano a mano and man to man interchangeably for some time to come. If you are on...
mano a mano manoao manoeuvre Man of Destiny Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024How to use mano in a sentence Like the infamous mano a mano matchup between the American Johnny Hayes, the winner of the marathon event in the ...
Anagrams are sometimes called a Word Unscramble Words that can be created with an extra letter added to mano: Unscramble the letters in mano There are 9 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'mano'. C: macon D: monad nomad G: among mango I: amino amnio S: manos ...
: a stone used as the upper millstone for grinding foods (such as corn) by hand in a metate Word History Etymology Spanish, literally, hand, from Latin manus — more at manual First Known Use circa 1892, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of mano was ...
Related to MANO:mano a mano AcronymDefinition MANOManagement & Orchestration(European Telecommunications Standards Institute Industry Specification Group) MANOMediation Association of Northeast Ohio MANOMexican American Neighbor Organization(San Diego, CA) ...
Definition: A one- or two-handled small and flat ground stone tool used with a metate (quern) for grinding vegetable material such as maize, seeds, nuts, pigments, etc. Manos date dates to the Archaic Indian period, the word coming from Spanish mano de piedra, hand stone – referring ...
Define manos. manos synonyms, manos pronunciation, manos translation, English dictionary definition of manos. n. pl. ma·nos A handheld stone or roller for grinding corn or other grains on a metate. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Languag