s first wife Devkunwari and Anushka Luhar will be playing Sushila, the second wife. Besides the primary cast, actorsManish WadhwaandManmohan Tiwariwill also be seen in the pivotal roles. Directed and co-produced byAnadii Chaturvedi, the web series is produced by Abhyuday Grover under the ...
Manmohan Singh inaugurates GVK CSIA Terminal 2, Mumbai Showcase: ART PROGRAMME AT GVK CSIA T2, MUMBAI Interview: MR. P.V.P. REDDY President & CEO – GVK Hydro, GVKPIL Special Focus: GVK KEMPEGOWDA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, BENGALURU Cover 11Story 1 Interview Showcase Recognitions and Events 5...
“Our new campaign titled ‘Aapka Uttar Pradesh, Surakshit Pradesh’ is a unique blend of entertainment and education that we believe, will strike a chord and spread the critical message of road responsibility across the state,” said Bd Paulson, Adg, traffic & road safety.“The campaign ...
and be given the ability to purchase nuclear fuel on the world market. Abroad, theprospectivecooperation agreement was resisted by those who were upset over India’s refusal to sign theTreaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; in India, Singh was criticized for fostering too close a ...