但是,另一方面,如果你是一个以前使用过 ubuntu.com、 pop.system76.com、 linuxmint.com、 elementary.io、 getfedora.org 等发行版的人,现在想学习如何从窗口管理器到 GRUB 菜单来安装你的 Linux 发行版(没错, www.reddit.com)。所以,如果你需要一个像 Arch 一样的基本 Linux 发行版,我会向你推荐 Endeavou...
As you can see, Ubuntu was9%(roughly) faster to boot than ‘Luna’, where both of them beat Fedora 19, with quite a margin. That8.6%(2 seconds, roughly) difference I think is due to the fact that ‘Luna’using ‘Preload’ by default, as I have seen similar results after installing...