sudo mhwd-kernel [-i] [新内核:linux(version)] [可选-删除当前内核:rmc] 当要用命令安装的新内核时,不必写完整的版本号。例如,任何版本的Kernel 4.19都可以简单地列为“ linux419”,而任何版本的Kernel 4.14都可以列为“ linux414”,依此类推。可选的RMC是至关重要的。使用此选项将会在安装新内核时删除...
因为ThinkBook 16+ 采用的AMD锐龙6000系列CPU在 Linux Kernel 6 以下会出现键盘失灵现象,表现为按键后一直连按或卡死。同时安装 Debian 及衍生版系统会出现启动错误,给我这种频繁切换系统的场景带来不便,所以暂时换到 Manjaro Linux。
001、系统镜像官网下载 下载地址: 002、创建一个安装目的地 003、打开vmware软件,点击创建新的虚拟机 004、选择自定义, 点击下一步 005、点击下一步 006、点击稍后安装操作系统,点击下一步 007、选择linux,选择其他5.x, 然后点击下一步: 008、指定虚拟机名称, 指定安装位置,点击...
重新打开terminal 安装/更新 kernel headers 检查当前kernel hearders: $ pacman -Q | grep headers 注意:出现的linux-api-headers不是kernel headers 检查当前kernel 版本: $ uname -r 安装对应版本的kernel headers: $ sudo pacman -Slinux-headers 再次检查当前kernel headers会出现: linux61-headers 6.1.25-1...
Kernel Version: 5.10.23-1-MANJARO OS Type: 64-bit Graphics Platform: X11 Processors: 6 × AMD Ryzen 5 4500U with Radeon Graphics Memory: 15.1 GiB of RAM Graphics Processor: AMD RENOIR MySQL版本 mysql Ver 8.0.23 for Linux on x86_64 (Source distribution) ...
该问题由于目录 /lib/modules/extramodules-[kernel version]-MANJARO/ 下缺少一些相关的模块,比如vboxdrv vboxpci 首先查看本机的内核版本 打开pamac 安装器(底层对应的pacman,可以理解为是pacman的图形界面版软件) 当打开时,不要选择“virtualbox-host-modules”,而是选择“linux[内核版本]-virtualbox-host-modules...
Kernel Version: Linux 5.15.0-56-lowlatency info: Distribution: "Ubuntu" "22.04" info: Session Type: x11 info: Unable to open X display info: Qt Version: 6.2.4 (runtime), 6.2.4 (compiled) info: Portable mode: false Cannot create window: no screens available Aborted (core dumped) aar...
In case your kernel version is correct, it's important to know that your computer is "relatively new", and many sof-firmwares are in the new packages, probably between 2021 until now. This firmware is in the sof-firmware package, as you can see. You can install or reinstall the package...
$ mhwd-kernel -li Currently running: 5.15.12-1-MANJARO (linux515) The following kernels are installed in your system: * linux515 # 安装 virtualbox 时注意下面的 515 替换成你的版本 yay -Syu virtualbox linux515-virtualbox-host-modules
First make sure that you kernel and linux-headers are exact same version. If not sure do: sudo pacman -S linux-headers After that go to /usr/NX/share/src/nxusb and do as root(you have to login as root and not use sudo): make clean make Let me know if that worked for...