# 安装VScodesudo pacman-Svisual-studio-code-bin# sudo命令自行百度(如果处于root状态,也就是“su”过了就可以不要)# 安装网易云音乐(可能会有中文无法输入的bug,以后再更新sudo pacman-Snetease-cloud-music 安装完成后须在开始菜单中找到并且添加到桌面,不然是不会主动添加的 二、各类软件及bug 1、关于QQ(T...
Vscode:visual-studio-code-bin yay -S visual-studio-code-bin 这个给大家推荐一个vscode插件同步插件:Settings Sync 一图胜千言(图片来自官方说明) Atom sudo pacman -S atom FinalShell rm -f finalshell_install_linux.sh;wget www.hostbuf.com/downloads/finalshell_install_linux.sh;chmod +x finalshell_ins...
sudo apt install -y golang-go && go version ``` 2. Debian、ubuntu及其衍生Linux手动安装,直接全复制回车即可 (需要安装其他版本的,替换go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz中的1.22.0,共两处) sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y wget && wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz ...
Fist install font with command: sudo pacman -S ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k Then open vscode and go to the terminal tab. With the terminal open inside Vscode (look for an arrow on the side of this +(new terminal). Select the configure terminal settings option. C...
安装VSCode pacman -S visual-studio-code-bin 随笔 更多精彩内容,就在简书APP "小礼物走一走,来简书关注我" 赞赏支持还没有人赞赏,支持一下 路人枭 总资产0 Ubuntu系统下给项目搭建docker镜像 阅读617 扫码安装简书客户端 畅享全文阅读体验 扫码后在手机中选择通过第三方浏览器下载...
Hi, recently I installed am trying to build a Maui app, and it seems all my projects when I either use VSCode, Rider or even dotnet build as a regular user, fail with this error: /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/8.0.204/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.NET.Sdk.ImportWorkloads.targets(38...
# 安装VScodesudo pacman-Svisual-studio-code-bin# sudo命令自行百度(如果处于root状态,也就是“su”过了就可以不要)# 安装网易云音乐(可能会有中文无法输入的bug,以后再更新sudo pacman-Snetease-cloud-music 安装完成后须在开始菜单中找到并且添加到桌面,不然是不会主动添加的 ...
I've also tried to add on /etc/os-release the line ID_LIKE=arch And to install icu55. I'm using Manjaro. Do you know if there is something I'm missing. Cheers Edit: I was able to fix it! First I've removed the vscode-coreclr-debug package and the extension. Then I've rein...