我的manjaro Linux每次开关机都会提示Failed to start Setup Virtual Console,启动完成后不影响正常使用,但每次开关机都会有一个红色失败告警,并且发现没有这个告警的时候系统启动速度更快。 1、修改文件:sudo vim /etc/vconsole.conf 2、将其中的KEYMAP=cn修改为KEYMAP=us 保存,重启即可。
解决办法 我印象中“Failed to start Setup Virtual Console”好像是systemd的一个bug,之前好像中过招...查了一下果然如此。只需要将/etc/vconsole.conf修正一下就行... 说干就干 进入紧急模式救援系统 手上没有U盘,系统也无法正常登陆(也就没法操作)所以选择用紧急模式 重启电脑,在GRUB界面(不显示Grub界面的,...
问题出在登录界面,系统卡在启动过程中,没有任何错误提示。Linux的桌面环境相对独立,这种情况下,切换到命令行是解决问题的第一步。我在命令行中看到了一条警示信息,似乎是与Virtual Console设置有关的systemd错误,即"Failed to start Setup Virtual Console"。根据经验,我猜测可能是systemd的一个已知b...
And at some point, Manjaro just failed to load the graphical interface. It was quite a while ago and I don’t remember what was the problem. But I remember that I decided to sit down and finally installArch Linux in the Arch way. I am using Arch Linux as my main home OS since the...
1、编辑器之神---VIM或neovim 2、编译器之神---gcc 3、调试器之神---gdb 4、自动化之神---make或cmake 5、写文章之神---typora 6、学Python之神---jupyter 7、仓同步之神---git 8、小帮手之神---man 9、 实用软件: 1、kolourpaint
Steps to reproduce the bug Start Mobian No modem (this just suddenly happened one day, this install is many months old, I was barely using the phone at the time other than checking the clock so I don't have the slightest clue what change triggered it): $ mmcli -L No modems were ...