When someone wants to profit from your needs or questions , this is not the trait of a real Dominant. I am proud to say I did not purchase any of his books, I did listen to about 10 minutes of his boring radio show. You always get caught no matter how good you are, be it cheat...
or psychological techniques; any form of indoctrination. Alluding to the literal erasing of what is in or on one’s mind,brainwashingused to be associated exclusively with the conversion tactics used by totalitarian states on political dissidents. This use of the word gained currency in the early...
The word “manipulation” brings up incredibly negative connotations in most people’s minds. When you think of manipulation, you probably think of a dishonest person trying to control others for their own purposes. Of course, in the literal sense, manipulation just means control. This can ...
This use of the word gained currency in the early 20th century. Ai Tze-chi was Red China’s chief indoctrinator or, as he was generally called, Brainwasher No. 1. (Time, May 26, 1952) Today application of the phrase has been extended to include less objectionable but more subtle ...
(b) rhyme which means that in an idiom, a word that corresponds wi (1) 语音操作包括: (a)提到不同的元音声的同样辅音声音重复在词初或在被注重的音节的头韵,和在“剁和变动” (变化无常), “实践使完善” (熟能生巧); (b)在成语,词意味着对应与另在终端声音的押韵,和在“劳碌和mohel” (辛...
This power allows the user to create fire spontaneously, even in the absence of natural fuel sources, and sustain it indefinitely through sheer will. The intensity, temperature, and color of the flames can be manipulated, with variations reflecting changes in fuel composition or impurities, such ...
Well I didn't say that the environment that is "chaos" just by itself can directly affect omnilock entities, (depending on the situation it still can...) but I said that an omnilock being isn't necessarily immune to amanipulator of chaos energy. "Primordial Chaos" as this free form of...
This chapter covers the elements of the SQL database manipulation language that create, modify, and delete database structural elements: schemas, domains, and tables. There is emphasis on data integrity using column constraints (domain checking, NOT NULL, primary keys, and so on). The chapter ...
1. It’s a strange use of the word “manipulate,”which means: a. “To influence or manage shrewdly or deviously.” b. “To tamper with or falsify for personal gain.” In this case the “manipulation” is to America’s advantage and China’s disadvantage, because the undervalued yuan ...
And then there is the word 'manipulation'. This word may mean high velocity/ low amplitude thrust (HVLA), or it might refer to mobilizing articulation, or soft tissue methods, such as Muscle Energy Technique, ligamentous balancing, Myofascial Release, Strain-Counterstrain techniques, or combinati...