As per the directives of Government of Karnataka, as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, MAHE has declared a holiday for the students of its constituent colleges/institutes in Manipal, Mangalore and Bangalore campuses for a period of two weeks, from 14thMarch to 28thMarc...
Phone Number: +91 820 2571201 - 2571230, Fax: +91 820 2571927, 2570061, 2570062 Email:; Official Website: University: Manipal Academy of Higher Education Write a Review of Kasturba Medical College Campus Repr...
“They should start campus shuttle bus service within the campus so that the number of vehicles will be restricted during the peak hours. This will avoid the morning rush and will decrease the number of crashes.” (P6, Male) “I feel that even university security guards should start conductin...