Turned my fave banana cake recipe into muffins with a walnut crumble and they turned out great despite my batter being too wet (will lessen the liquid next time for a cakier texture). Made a ton, so I shared it with my teammates. We tried the new coffee shop Common Man Coffee Roasters...
This page shows the sunrise and sunset times in Camella School, 4 Lira, Las Pinas, Metro Manila, Philippines, including beautiful sunrise or sunset photos, local current time, timezone, longitude, latitude and live map.
6.5 clock manila touch pro2 Replies: 8 Forum: Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps Thread Fear's Manila Mods Hi people! This is my first thread and I think it gona be quite big. I hope you will respect my rules: 1) Don't post my works (modifications or separate files) in any...
End the year where the beats meet glamour and celebrate New Year’s Eve 2019 at Revel. Ring in the New Year with Manila’s most beautiful featuring Mars Miranda, Marc Naval, and Raze, party it all out until the clock strikes midnight to signal a new year that would be filled with more...
For me the Fifties were a time of innocence. Manila was still under reconstruction and time seemed to pass more slowly. I have many memories of the old Manila International Airport; from the happiness of greeting friends from abroad or the thrill of leaving Manila for another adventure. I lef...