Manifestation Journal: Affirm is the perfect space to nurture your dreams, align with your intentions, and experience the power of the law of attraction every s…
A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal on request. Ethical approval This study was reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences with the ethical code IR.ARUMS.REC.1403.096 on June 16, ...
A manifestation of a Woodland period archaeological culture in the upper Cahaba River drainage.(Brief Article)Native Americans (AntiquitiesNative Americans (ResearchMerdith, StevenAlabamaacademyofscience
It has inspired me to keep a journal with me ALL of the time now, especially for taking notes on the perfectly laid out, detailed secrets and keeping them with me. These secrets are purely beautiful. I am so forever grateful to you and the Universe that you sell these products AND that...
Abstract Background It is well-documented that children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) have a higher likelihood of experiencing anxiety, as well as other socio-emotional and behavioural (SEB) difficulties. Despite this, there is little consensus as to how these difficulties manifest. This...
Download PDF International Cancer Conference Journal Aims and scope Submit manuscript Hirokazu Naoi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Etsuko Kajimoto, Masumi Takeda, Susumu Yoshida, Takashi Miyatake, Takeshi Yokoi, Shigeyuki Isaka & Masaaki Nagamatsu 1422 Accesses Explore all metrics Abstract Venous ...
Download 图1 网络突发事件中负性偏向产生和发展的构想模型 首先, 网络突发事件酝酿期产生信息内容偏差。现实中, 网络突发事件常始于某篇“热文”。例如, 2016年末一篇名为《每对母子都是生死之交, 我要陪他向校园霸凌说NO!》的网文引发了“中关村二小霸凌事件”; 2018年《疫苗之王》一文刷爆朋友圈, 引发“长...
K. Geim. Manifestation of ripples in free-standing graphene in lattice images obtained in an aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron mi- croscope. Phys. Status Solidi A, 206(6):1117, 2009.U. Bangert, M. H. Gass, A. L. Bleloch, R. R. Nair and A. K. Geim, Manifestation...
prominent diastema between the central incisors and other dental-craniofacial deformities are also supplied.295Additionally, education about oral hygiene, such as regarding brushing techniques, should also be emphasized to maintain a caries-free state in the affected child....
Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various research areas of...