“If you set an intention and you think about it every single day of your life, and for me, Glastonbury for example, when I first started making music I dreamed about the day that I would get asked to headline Glastonbury.” “And I’ve probably thought about it every single session th...
“If you set an intention and you think about it every single day of your life, and for me, Glastonbury for example, when I first started making music I dreamed about the day that I would get asked to headline Glastonbury.” “And I’ve probabl...
“If you set an intention and you think about it every single day of your life, and for me, Glastonbury for example, when I first started making music I dreamed about the day that I would get asked to headline Glastonbury.” “And I’ve probably thought about it every single session th...
“If you set an intention and you think about it every single day of your life, and for me, Glastonbury for example, when I first started making music I dreamed about the day that I would get asked to headline Glastonbury.” “And I’ve probably thought about it every single session th...
“If you set an intention and you think about it every single day of your life, and for me, Glastonbury for example, when I first started making music I dreamed about the day that I would get asked to headline ...
How ismanifestused in real life? Manifestis a common word with several senses related to visibility and obviousness. anyway: I tweeted joking I got hacked cause of my tweet about Harry and then someone actually hacked me so be careful what you manifest folks ...
It’s not about being selfish or disregarding others (不是自私或无视他人)—it’s about prioritizing (优先) your happiness in a healthy way. It’s like saying, “Hey, I deserve to enjoy my life and be unapologetically me, as long as (只要) I’m not hurting anyone.” So, this ...
manifest - clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment; "the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields"; "evident hostility"; "manifest disapproval"; "patent advantages"; "made his meaning plain"; "it is plain that he is no reactionary"; "in...
Definition of Manifest in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Manifest? Meaning of Manifest as a legal term. What does Manifest mean in law?
"made his meaning plain" "it is plain that he is no reactionary" "in plain view" 展开全部 词根词缀 词根:fest 1. =hostile,表示"仇恨,打击"; 2. =feast,表示"节日" adj. manifest明白的,明了的 mani=man手+fest打击→用手打击→不隐藏→表明 ...