美国自建国之前就开始的领土扩张似乎就是这种意识形态下的产物。Merk这本著作趣味就在于,首先他认为manifest destiny天定命运是一种“危机下的”产物,源自于在处理德克萨斯州问题时,对于来自欧洲特别是英国的干涉的担忧,是一种不安全感的产物。自奥沙利文伊始,天定命运强调的是自愿、联邦制和对美国价值观的认可,这和世...
山巅之城——美国的天命论(ManifestDestiny) Theme From Armageddon Trevor Rabin - Armageddon - The Album 叙拉古之惑案:按说我的知识背景是不适合谈论美国文化史的。但作为一个政治光谱上的共和党人,我不隐瞒自己的观点,此文之所以能够成型,倾注了我将美国视为理想政体的个人感情。本文相关材料来自于我对《神学宪...
美国在成为全球意义的帝国的过程中,单纯的唯物解释是不充分的,必须意识到“天命论”的观念作为美国的持续性扩张的原动力作用。在“西进运动”中,正是“Manifest Destiny”作为一种指导信念完成了美国疆域主体的建构,报纸评论家苏利文曾向民众呼吁:“上帝应许我们整个新大陆,通过联邦自治实现个人的自由权利,这是昭昭天命。
Manifest Destiny and Mission in American History: A Reinterpretation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1963. Landmark historical work still cited in many critical discussions. Unlike many scholars, Merk argues the theme of mission by example was sometimes rhetorically employed to limit ...
Manifest Destiny and Mission in American History 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 大多数学者都认为美国自十九世纪末开始的向外扩张道路正是源于美国的“山巅之国”的弥赛亚精神,美国自诩为上帝选民,希望将基督教、民主平等和自由的价值观传播各地,以实现符合上帝意志的世界和平。美国自建国之前就开始的领土扩张似乎就是...
Manifest Destiny是什么意思 n. 19世纪中后期 被美国人广泛持有的一种信条:扩张美国在北美洲的领土 扩大美国政治 经济 Manifest Destiny英英释义 noun a future event accepted as inevitablebroadly: an ostensibly benevolent or necessary policy of imperialistic expansion in the mid-19th century expansion to ...
Manifest Destiny existed and still exists as the philosophy that embraces American history as a whole. Manifest Destiny is an intangible ideology that created American history. In its simplest form, Manifest Destiny can be defined as, "A Movement." More specifically, it would be the systematic ...
Manifest Destiny?(Season 1, Episode 20) TV Episode|Documentary, History Edit pageAdd to list American expansion into the west. Tensions between Mexico and the United States over Texas. The Mexican War and its aftermath. Discovery of gold in California in 1848, and the rush for riches. How ...
manifest destiny n. 1.A policy of imperialistic expansion defended as necessary or benevolent. 2.oftenManifest DestinyThe 19th-century doctrine that the United States had the right and duty to expand throughout the North American continent.
Exploration used to be such a big part of American life: manifest destiny, landing on the moon. FromThe Daily Beast As Eyman puts it, generations of Americans saw Wayne as the embodiment of “a sort of race memory of manifest destiny.” ...