Part of Speech(形) adjective, (及物的动) transitive verb, (不及物的动) intransitive verb, (名) noun Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense. May need to scroll content.) (形) As an adjective Clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment. ...
“If you set an intention and you think about it every single day of your life, and for me, Glastonbury for example, when I first started making music I dreamed about the day that I would get asked to headline Glastonbury.” “And I’ve probably thought about it every single session th...
vampire: a vampire device or vampire appliance is one which uses energy even when not in use. This is a new, adjective sense of an existing word.
vampire: a vampire device or vampire appliance is one which uses energy even when not in use. This is a new, adjective sense of an existing word.
an upward force (as on an airplane wing) that opposes the pull of gravity manifest1 of 3adjective clear to the senses or mind : obvious their relief was manifest manifest2 of 3verb to show plainly : display manifest3 of 3noun a list of cargo or passengers especially for a ship or plan...
2.An indication of the existence, reality, or presence of something:A high fever is an early manifestation of the disease. 3. a.One of the forms in which someone or something, such as a person, a divine being, or an idea, is revealed. ...
vampire: a vampire device or vampire appliance is one which uses energy even when not in use. This is a new, adjective sense of an existing word. 来源| 剑桥词典官方网站、plusbook、新华社、环球时报、翻吧 制作|绢生 审核|肖英 /万顷
The meaning of MANIFEST is readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight. How to use manifest in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Manifest.
:a list of passengers or aninvoiceof cargo for a vehicle (such as a ship or plane) Synonyms Adjective apparent bald bald-faced barefaced bright-line broad clear clear-cut crystal clear decided distinct evident lucid luculent luminous nonambiguous ...
adjective Obvious to the understanding; apparent to the mind; easily apprehensible; plain; not obscure or hidden. adjective (rare, used with "of") Detected; convicted. noun (obsolete) A public declaration; an open statement; a manifesto or manifestation. noun A list or invoice of ...