Manifest functions are functions that people believe are the obvious purposes of school. They include the academic curriculum plus functions like socialization and the transmission of cultural norms and values to new generations. Latent functions are functions that people are not ...
, remembered, and reported, prior to any analysis. The psychoanalytical view is that the true significance of the dream is disguised by the manifest dream content. The goal of psychoanalysis with respect to dreams is to uncover their real meaning, expressed in what Freud called thelatent dream....
Editors and Affiliations Faculty of Educational Sciences and Technology, University of Twente, 7500 AE, Enschede, Netherlands Wim J. van der Linden School of Education, University of Massachusetts, 01003, Amherst, MA, USA Ronald K. Hambleton ...
The assumption of latent monotonicity in item response theory models for dichotomous data cannot be evaluated directly, but observable consequences such as