inglés: Province de Kivu italiano: Maniema italiano: provincia di Maniema japonés: マニエマ州 kongo: Maniema kongo: Manyema latín: Maniema letón: Maniema lingala: Maniema lituano: Maniema malayo: Maniema maratí: मनीमा neerlandés: Maniema noruego: Maniema noruego bokmål...
The Kibara belt (KIB) in the Maniema province hosts orebodies bearing cassiterite-wolframite, which are associated with equigranular to pegmatitic late Mesoproterozoic (1094–755 Ma) granites and Sn-W bearing quartz veins that cut through metasedimentary country rocks. Alteration assemblages of ...
IN A STATEMENT issued on 18 June, local sources reported that six soldiers and two crew members had been kidnapped when Mai-Mai\nMalaika militants attacked a train in Malela locality in Kasongo territory in the Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC's) Maniema\nprovince on 15 June, Radio Ok...
Germany is providing support for the social and economic reintegration of children and young people formerly associated with fighting forces in the province of Maniema in DRC (EUR 3 500 000) (technical assistance) as well as with funds for the reintegration of ex-combatants amounting to EUR 8...
PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT NI 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT, NAMOYA GOLD PROJECT, Maniema Province, Democratic Republic of Congo1. INTRODUCTION & TERMS OF REFERENCE ... 16 1.1. Project Overview... 16 1.2. Reliance on Other Experts ...
We present a petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical study of unique borehole samples from the Imonga-Saramabila gold deposit, a historical mine site located in the Maniema Province (DR Congo) in the Karagwe-Ankole belt (KAB) in the Great Lakes area and one of the on...
The metamorphic rocks’ foliation orientations in the belt are NE-SW in the southern part (in the provinces of Lualaba, Haut-Lomami, western Haut-Katanga, and Tanganyika), NW-SE in the northern part (Maniema province), and N-S in the central part (in the provinces of Maniema and ...