Pichavaram Mangrove ForestSalinitySediment ProfileThis study examined the variability in salinity, colour, and texture in five sediment cores taken from three sites near Avicennia mangle and two sites beneath the fringing Rhizophora zone in the Pichavaram mangrove forest in Tamil Nadu. The results ...
Godavari-Krishna Mangroves, Andhra Pradesh:TheGodavari-Krishna mangrovesextend from Odisha to Tamil Nadu. The deltas of theGanges,Mahanadi,Krishna,Godavari, and theCauveryrivers contain mangrove forests. ThebackwatersinKeralahave a high density of mangrove forest. Pichavaram in Tamil Naduhas a vast...
Monitoring mangrove forest dynamics of the Sundarbans in Bangladesh and India using multi-temporal satellite data from 1973 to 2000 Mangrove forests in many parts of the world are declining at an alarming rate - possibly even more rapidly than inland tropical forests. The rate and cause... Giri...
Remote Sensing and GIS techniques were used to evaluate the vegetation density of mangrove forest in this area. The LISS IV satelliteimage was used to map the mangrove forest using visual interpretation technique. Mangroves were delineated from the inland forest cover and other land cover features....
Impact of Overgrown Plant Deposit on Physicochemical Properties: SodPodzolic Soils During the Last 60 years in the Central State Biosphere Forest Reserve, Western European Part of Russia Chapter© 2021 Introduction Mangrove ecosystems are known for their net carbon sink characteristic, playing an import...
The present study was therefore designed and carried out to investigate some aspects of the ecology of macrobenthic fauna of the Kadolkele mangrove forest in relation to the mangrove zonation and physicochemical parameters of soil. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. The Study Site The present study ...
is a critically endangered mangrove tree from the Pichavaram mangrove reserve forest, the Tamil Nadu Coastal area. It is distributed on the seashore and the edge-mangrove. In order to reduce the decrease in number of these Mediterranean mixed stand, unsupervised forest management practices have ...
The authors acknowledge the Ministry of Forest, Government of Tamil Nadu, for providing permission for sampling and School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, for providing necessary facilities to carry out this work. ...
a worldwide costituency that supports conservation and restoration efforts in both of these threatened ecosystems .The remarkable degree o public awareness and support has been manifested in benefit rock concerts at Carnegie Hall and in the designation of ice cream flavors after rain forest products....
Plant species diversity and tree population structure of a humid tropical forest in Tamil Nadu, India Vegetation structure and species composition of tropical ecosystems were studied through nine transects at Veerapuli and Kalamalai reserve forests in the W... PS Swamy,SM Sundarapandian,PC ...