Source: Mangrove area data collated from FAO (2007) The world's mangroves 1980–2005: A thematic study prepared in the framework of the global forest resources assessment 2005.FAO Forestry Paper 153. Rome, Italy: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. ...
In: US EPA, Toxicity and exposure assessment for children’s health, pp 1e25. Accessed 4 Jan 2024 Wang X, Yuan X, Hou Z, Miao J, Zhu H, Song C (2009) Effect of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) on microbial biomass ...
AssessmentCarbon stockSequestrationThe potential of mangrove forests to sequester carbon must be recognized by local government units and other stakeholders. Awareness of this aspect will promoteDimalen, Farida K.Rojo, Mark JunSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
who estimated that 11.1 Mha of PSFs in Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo had been lost by 2015. To standardize the timeline for fair comparison with this earlier assessment, we estimated that ~11.2 Mha of PSF had been
)vs.massdepth,andoffsettherateofrelativesealevelrise(0.22– 0.24cm/year),leadingtoaseawardexpansionofnewmangrovehabitats.Chemicaltracers(d 13 C org andC:N)andanisotopemixingmodelwereutilizedtotracethecontributionofmangrove-derived organicmatter(MOM).Changesintherelativeabundanceofpollenfrommangroveplantswasused...
Mangrove forests store high densities of organic carbon, which, when coupled with high rates of deforestation, means that mangroves have the potential to contribute substantially to carbon emissions. Consequently, mangroves are strong candidates for inclusion in nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to...
The Luzon Strait (LS) between Taiwan and the Philippines was wider in the past than the present day (Fig. 2). The LS decreased in width from c. 1,300 km in the Late Oligocene (Fig. 2a) to c. 500 km in the Late Miocene (Fig. 2g), due to northward movement of the Philippines ...
Assembly quality assessment We evaluated the quality and contiguity of the assembly using several metrics. First, to check if sequences from paired-end reads appear as consistent pairs in the assembly, we used Bowtie2 [27] to align the RNA-seq reads to the assembly. An average of 86% of...
The global scientific community unequivocally accepts the significance of mangroves in offsetting anthropogenic carbon emissions. This unique vegetation sequesters disproportionately high carbon than many other natural ecosystems, and the countries borde
experienced the slowest growth at the highest salinity tested29. The mangrove literature is abundant with similar salinity versus growth assessment; therefore, salinity as a constraint to carbon accumulation at a larger scale between reforestation and afforestation projects may warrant further study. Higher...