DIY Mango Body Butter Recipe Sometimes your skin just needs a little extra TLC and this DIY body butter recipe is the perfect remedy! This all-natural homemade body butter recipe is made from a few simple ingredients and will help to deeply rehydrate your skin, leaving it soft and supple....
Nothing beats homemade ice cream, but making silky, rich ice cream can be a bit of a palaver. We shared this easy Cheat’s version, inspired by Donna Hay, at the start of our summer and it was an instant hit with our readers. This recipe will become part of your summertime repertoir...
Otherwise a simple recipe to make a simple body balm is, melt 2 tablespoons of mango butter with equal portions of coconut oil and beeswax. Add a few drops of your favorite skin-safe essential oil such as lavender, geranium, or spearmint, then pour the mixture into a small jar or empty...
This healthy, tasty, turkey taco recipe with mango and avocado salsa will be a summer hit at your summer dinner table! When it comes to cooking, I like my recipes to be easy, healthy,andtasty. And these turkey tacos with mango and avocado salsa are just that! This no-cook taco recipe...