Lock dev ruby version to 3.0.1 + Implement Mangadex::Internal::Api Sep 14, 2021 .travis.yml First commit Sep 14, 2021 CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md First commit Sep 14, 2021 Dockerfile Improve Dockerfile and add instructions on how to use it ...
Extract it. And, run it !. How to (Development version) NOTE:You must have git installed. If you don't have it, install it from herehttps://git-scm.com/. git clone https://github.com/mansuf/mangadex-downloader.gitcdmangadex-downloader python setup.py install ...
You don't have to be logged in on MangaDex but you can't access your followed manga without an account. How to use Once the extension is installed, you have nothing to do! Start reading manga and the extension will update them automatically. ...
I think the second option would be preferrable as you can then use the filter to specify groups, and/or make sure that only one copy is downloaded. You could also only keep the copy that is of the highest resolution. hkalexlingmentioned this issueJun 3, 2020 ...
On the old API I was able to manually edit the Python file to add ?saver=true to do this for the https://api.mangadex.{}/v2/chapter/{}/ call, but I'm not sure due to the changes how one would go about doing this with the new API. Guessing this could use a -d flag perhaps...