In this manga from Nakahara Aya, a tall girl, Risa, and a short boy, Atsuhi, are constantly picked on by their classmates and treated as a comedy duo. Though they initially clash, the two decide to unite against their bullies and secure their respective love interests. But when love ...
From Lezhin: What happens when two guys and a dashing girl meet? Beats me, but it doesn't sound romantic. Or does it? Depending on your definition of romantic, Doona's sadistic ways might be the most romantic thing a guy could want!You may also like: ...
.30-year-old virgin Mihye is burning up with lust, but the only company she has on her 30th birthday is wine, cake, and a life-sized pillow of her favorite idol singer. Well, a girl's gotta drink up and dream big. She blows out the candles with just ...
From KodanClub: Akira Shindo has been transferred to Fuga High School where she is almost raped by a group of young thugs. She meets Mahiru Suruga, a mysterious but beautiful girl with both arms in bandages. Mahiru is aloof and cold. Her motto is, "I will neither rely on others nor ...
(Dareka Yume da to Itte Kure) is a BL title from Manga Mee. A short boy discovers his crush getting rejected by a tall brute, so he challenges him to a contest! And loses. And loses. And now, for some reason, his affections seem to be shifting…...
Peach Girl captures Momo Adachi's struggles with misguided reputations owing to her tan. Engaging in high-school triangles involving her genuine friend Kairi Okayasu and deceitful adversary Sae Kashiwagi, it examines jealousy, trust issues, and true friendship emerging victorious under teenage duress. ...
Everyone thought that the murder mystery had been solved. Everyone except for her, a seemingly normal girl who saw the true identity of the killer in a dream. With the advice of a mysterious and breathtaking man, she filed a report with the police. Now, the killer is coming after her.Mo...
Whether it’s by going into debt while splurging on an epic meal or taking an impromptu trip, “Kouhai” and “Senpai” find a way to make the most of their days! Kick back and relax with this adorable comedy! ~Created by Shouichi Taguchi~Licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment Girlfriends ...
Netflix'sOne Pieceseries is in its very early stages, and there's no word yet on when we can expect the project to make its way onto the streaming service. The wait could take a while, but let's just hope the animated series will do the original manga justice. With Oda on board as...
Having Sex with Someone Else in Front of You - 6 chapter(s) 2 days ago First Chapter SeinenEroticaPsychologicalRomanceSlice of LifeDrama "Kouji-kun, I want to see you have sex with another girl."Even though this will drive my mind and body further into a corner, I just can't hol...