Seven fortresses located in the northern boundaries of Eos served as the setting for this war between the Alliance and Legion. This conflict, however, was in its final stages with the decline of the Dark Elf queen’s power. Under the High Elf’s (a reborn goddess) calling the “Seven Sh...
Top 10 Best Isekai Anime With an OP MC The Hiatus ofBlue Periodwill be shorter and will give time to its author to renew her strength. The fan community asks each other to be patient because it seems the author, Tsubasa Yamaguchi, has just given birth to her baby. This break will be ...
MangaGamerhas once again held their annual panel at Anime Expo. This year they’ve brought the continuation of the greatest story of boobs ever told, a story of torment from theeuphoriawriter and of course moreRance! From the writer ofeuphoriacomes the tale of lowly slave cursed with eternal...
萌二百科 一般情况下,ACG一词特指日本的动画、漫画、游戏产业,其中游戏多指包含美少女要素的游戏 百度百科 动画、漫画、御宅向游戏的总称 英文wiki The term refers in particular to Japanese anime, manga and video games, with the video games usually referring to galgames 谢绝迫害,qqqxx 分享3110 动漫情报...
Pictured with me below are the director Peter Ramsey (left) and head of animation Josh Beveridge (right). A very big thanks to Peter and Josh for bringing the statues up to Sony Imageworks in Vancouver so that all the crew members can have a chance to celebrate the film’s success, as...
One day when surfing the internet, Kenji Azuma comes across a site for men who love loaning their wives out to other men and finds himself incredibly turned on. He decides to ask his wife, Marina, if she would be willing to sleep with another man, and she agrees–on the condition that...
In this chapter,Tsumihoroboshi, it’s Rena’s turn to go mad. As the chapter delves into Rena’s perspective, we learn about Rena’s past and what trouble she faced with her family. What really brought back to Hinamizawa? How did she manage to survive the curse before? Will she be ...