爱德华·马奈(Edouard Manet)高清作品《A Bar at the Folies-Bergere》 作品名:A Bar at the Folies-Bergere 原名:女神游乐厅酒吧 艺术家:爱德华·马奈 年代:1882;Paris,France 风格:印象派 类型:风俗画 材质:布面油彩 标签:女性肖像、酒馆和旅馆 尺寸:96 x 130 cm 收藏:考陶德艺术学院,伦敦,英国,考陶尔德...
作品名称:A Bar at the Folies-Bergere中文名称:女神游乐厅的吧台创作者:爱德华·马奈 Edouard Manet创作年代:1882风格:印象派体裁:风俗画材质:布面油画现位于:Courtauld Institute of Art, London, UK, Courtauld Gallery, London, UK实际尺寸:96 x 130 cm 《女神游乐厅的吧台》(法语:Un bar aux Folies...
A Bar at the Folies-Bergère, oil painting created in 1882 by groundbreaking French artist Édouard Manet. The complex, disorienting composition is an iconic image of modern life. Manet painted this, his last great masterpiece, when he was terminally ill. In it, he returned to his favourite...
Edouard Manet, ‘A Bar at the Folies Bergère’, 1882 A Bar at the Folies Bergère is said to be one of Edouard Manet’s greatest achievements. He lived a short life of 51 years. The year before he died he produced this oil on Canvas, 96 x130cm painting, which can now be found in...
作品名称:爱德华·马奈(Edouard Manet)高清作品:Study for &quotBar at the Folies-Bergere&quot 作品链接:https://www.mei-shu.com/famous/27613/artistic-177265.html 作品类别:油画 免责声明:本站部分公开资料来源于互联网,目的是用于学术交流与讨论,并不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。如...
A Bar at the Folies-Bergere, 1882 / Folies-Bergere的酒吧 这幅画是描绘了巴黎Folies-Bergere夜总会的一幅画,被认为是马奈的最后一项主要作品。这件作品创作于1881至1882年间,具有典型的马奈风格,其中富含典故与隐藏的信息,这在现实上义与印象主义的作品中都不常见。画中的大部分图像都出现在镜子里,平滑的镜子...
The Bar at the Folies-Bergere: a Manet PaintingJerry Ratch
edouard manet, ‘a bar at the folies bergere’, 1882.doc,Edouard Manet, ‘A Bar at the Folies Bergère’, 1882 A Bar at the Folies Bergère is said to be one of Edouard Manet’s greatest achievements. He lived a short life of 51 years. The year before he
Art Critique: Bar at the Folies-Bergère, Manet, 1882 It was about six years ago when I first saw this masterpiece of Manet. Ignorant, childish yet sensitive, I studied the enchanting painting for quite a while, slightly intoxicated by some feeling that I was then unable to articulate. For...
Manet’s artworks are in several public and private collections worldwide. In his relatively short career, which lasted a little over twenty years, Manet painted many masterpieces. Below are some of them A Bar at the Folies-Bergere A Boy with a Sword ...