An introductory tutorial level, where the player has full control of an adult shark as it sates its appetite with unsuspecting swimmers, abruptly ends when the shark is caught and butchered by our main antagonist, Scaly Pete. This shark hunter cuts a young bull shark out of its caught mother...
The story itself is fun and it’s told in a very creative and interesting way. I just can’t help but feel it was cut short. During the game you hear about this mega-shark that killed Scaly Pete’s father. I kept thinking the story was going in the direction of having me fight th...
While you don't make little sharks in Maneater, you begin the game as one, a baby bull shark cut from the belly of your dying mother by a cajun shark hunter named Scaly Pete. Pete marks you with a scar and throws you back into the water after you bite off his hand, and you both...
at you. You need to move and dodge, leaping out to bite or swipe them. Often you need to retreat and find some creatures to munch on to restore your health. The final couple of shark hunters are extremely challenging to take down, but are weirdly way more difficult than Scaly Pete is...